The Mission of the Ephemera Society

The Ephemera Society of America, Inc. (ESA) is a non-profit organization formed in 1980 to cultivate and encourage interest in ephemera and the history identified with it; to further the understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of ephemera by people of all ages, backgrounds, and levels of interest; to promote the personal and institutional collection, preservation, exhibition, and research of ephemeral materials; to serve as a link among collectors, dealers, institutions, and scholars; and to contribute to the cultural life of those who have an interest in our heritage as a nation or a people, both nationally and internationally.
The Society sponsors an annual convention that includes seminars, exhibitions, a superb ephemera show and sale, workshops, collector forums, and other conference events. Through our website and using social media,ESA connects with thousands of visitors, providing information about ephemera, online exhibits, blog articles, notices of Society events, and links to other ephemera-related collectors and organizations.
All ESA members-—individuals, libraries, corporations, colleges, historical societies, and museums—receive The Ephemera Journal, a 32-page four color publication published three times a year; an annual Membership Directory; the monthly eNews, and special admission to Society-sponsored functions.
Members also enjoy the camaraderie and shared interests of fellow ephemerists.
The Mission of the Society is:
- To cultivate interest in ephemera and the history which it can reveal
- To encourage new insights into the history of our nation, through the study of ephemera
- To further the understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of ephemera by people of all ages, backgrounds, and levels of interest
- To promote the personal and institutional collection, preservation, exhibition, and research of ephemeral materials
- To serve as a link among collectors, dealers, institutions, and scholars
The Officers and Board members are committed:
- To conducting the affairs of the Ephemera Society with integrity, serving with the highest professional and ethical standards
- To striving for excellence, and for recognition of our commitment
- To valuing and serving our membership
- To managing our finances prudently