Ephemera Conference 25, 2005
Date: March 18 -20, 2005
Location: Old Greenwich, CT
Cal Otto: “Biography via Ephemera – Maurice Glauber & Globe Clothing Store of Cripple Creek, Colorado” [EN v23n3 (2003), 1, 14, 18-25]
Barbara Rusch: “The Secret Life of Victorian Cards” [EN v24n1 (2005), 17-24]
Marcus McCorison: “A Brief Survey of Early American Book Salesmen’s Sample Books”
Barbara Charles and Robert Staples: “Benjamin Franklin: In Search of a Better World – Overview of an Exhibition” [EJ v11 (2001), 4-21]
John Grossman: “Labeling America – The Popular Printed Art Produced by Four Generations of the George Schlegel Lithographic Company, New York, 1970-1963” [EJ v14n1 (Fall 2011), 26]
Georgia B. Barnhill: “Ephemera of the Civil War” [EN v23n4 (2015), 18-24]
John Dann: “Sensationalism in a Revealing Pink Dress – The Police Gazette in the Richard K. Fox Years, 1876-1933”
John Margolies: “Pump and Circumstance – Gas Stations” (also in 1999)
Matthew R. Isenburg: “Ephemera and Other Items of the California Gold Rush”