Online Exhibits

One feature of the Ephemera Society’s conference and show in Greenwich, CT each year is a room devoted to exhibits mounted by members and interested others. Many exhibits tell a story on a particular subject, some demonstrate the range and informational value of paper ephemera, others are simply a fine opportunity to show-and-tell favorite items. We invite one and all to participate by putting together an exhibit—or several exhibits—to share with the kindred spirits in attendance.
Now, here, we also offer the opportunity for one and all to display a showing of interesting items online to the world at large. The format is simple: An introductory text of any desired length (within reason), plus a grid of thumbnail images. Clicking on any image will display a larger view of the item.
Several such virtual exhibits have been posted below, and more are in the works.
Those interested in possibly posting their own such exhibit are encouraged to contact Committee Chair Tamar Zimmerman at
Comments or suggestions? Email ESA
Street Messages
Street Messages
by Richard Sheaff
A Whiter Shade of Pale
A Whiter Shade of Pale
by Richard Sheaff
And The Customers Came Knocking
Recent interesting finds #3
by Richard Sheaff
And The Customers Came Knocking
Recent interesting finds #2
by Richard Sheaff
And The Customers Came Knocking
And The Customers Came Knocking
by Richard Sheaff
Nineteenth century photographer Edward B. Nock (1833-1910) of Cleveland, Ohio came up with an effective promotional idea.
Back The BB!
Back The BB!
by Richard Sheaff
I have off-and-on over the years accumulated a number homemade, stenciled signs of one kind or another, most of them expressions of protest. I think of them as a genre of folk art.
Ephemera andCOVID-19
Ephemera and COVID-19
by Richard Sheaff
We are all intwined in 2020’s COVID-19 pandemic, a dire threat to worldwide society. Though humanity struggled mightily with its past pandemics, it also mustered up the actions, innovations, and discipline needed to make its way through. We will need to do the same today.
Ephemera and Spring Cleaning
An Ephemera Society Member’s Spring 2020 “To-Do” List
by Glenn Mason
Bruce Shyer’s Deco Exhibit
Bruce Shyer’s Deco Exhibit
by Richard Sheaff
Recent interesting finds
Recent interesting finds #1
by Richard Sheaff
Galleons and Galleons of Good Cheers
Galleons & Galleons of Good Cheer!
by Richard Sheaff
Arts and Crafts Cottages Greeting Cards
Arts and Crafts Cottages Greeting Cards
by Richard Sheaff
Publishing the Railroad: The Ephemera Bonanza
Publishing the Railroad: The Ephemera Bonanza
by Carlos A. Schwantes
Collecting Tiger Images
Collecting Tiger Images
by Bruce Shyer
The Allure of the Three Graces
A Sampling of Wood Engraver Trade Cards
A Sampling of Wood Engraver Trade Cards
by Richard Sheaff
A Sampling of Wood Engraver Trade Cards
Patriotism, Protest, and Propaganda
Patriotism, Protest, and Propaganda
by Kit Hinrichs
Kit Hindrichs – Patriotism, Protest, and Propaganda
Sample Evelopes
by Glenn Mason